Tai Chi Easy

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We are a small staff doing BIG work. Please help us to serve you most efficiently by first checking the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) area of our site - you might find your answer there!

Please Note:

Tai Chi Easy™ was developed by the Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi, a teaching and training institution and not a clinical practice. Although our focus is to empower individuals to activate their own internal healing mechanism, we do not diagnose or treat medical conditions.

When asked for clinical advice, our answer is always this:

  1. Consult a medical doctor when necessary.
  2. Commit to cultivating the healing power within you with Qigong and Tai Chi.
  3. Commit to personal daily practice.
  4. Do your best to remove or minimize lifestyle factors that cause your regular stress.

If you’re interested in obtaining Qigong and Tai Chi books and DVDs, click here.

You may also find additional information you are looking for at one of our other sites:


Thank you for your consideration of our time and resources while we work diligently to fulfill our mission. If your question is not fully answered, please forward to info@taichieasy.org, or by mail to:

Tai Chi Easy™
5276 Hollister Ave. Ste. 257
Santa Barbara, CA 93111



You are important to us and we will do our best to respond to you in a timely manner!