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Want to Learn Tai Chi Easy™?


Watch Tai Chi Easy in Action

To see a short demonstration of Tai Chi Easy™ by Dr. Roger Jahnke, Doctor of Oriental Medicine and founder of the Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi demonstrating the sitting, standing and walking versions on this simple yet effective Tai Chi method, click on the image or the name of the form. Please note that the videos may take a few moments to load.


See an example of Sitting Tai Chi. The movement shown is called Gathering Heaven and Earth.
See an example of Standing Tai Chi.Three movements are shown in succession: Harmonizing Yin and Yang , Brush Knee, Send Qi, and Cutting the Path to Clarity.


View Walking Tai Chi. Wave Hands In Clouds, Dragon Tiger Mouth, Placing the Sun and Moon, and Gathering from Yin and Yang are shown together in continuous sequence.


Tai Chi Easy Sitting
Jahnke Standing TCE
Walking Tai Chi Easy

There is a spontaneous self-healing, self-medicating, self-rehabilitating component in every person’s body, mind, spirit interactivity. Even though a disease may come from the outside, as in a virus, the internal healing mechanism of the immune system is the most important healer. A doctor may set a broken leg, but it is our body that repairs the break. The most profound medicine is already in us.

We can learn and apply methods to activate the medicine within and its ability to help our bodies heal. Vitality cultivation -- Tai Chi, Qigong (pronounced chee gung) and Yoga -- are systems of health promotion based on ancient Asian medicine. They can be very easy to learn and simple to apply, or they can be immensely complex.

Tai Chi Chuan, Tai Chi for Chinese martial and military combat, is a much more recent development. All of these practices modify and accelerate the body’s own self-regulating physiological and bioenergetic mechanisms. They have a very practical application for healing disease as well as supporting health maintenance, endurance and longevity. And best of all, there are practical steps that a person can take to support their own healing process.

Tai Chi Easy™, a carefully designed combination of Qigong and health enhancing Tai Chi is composed of four components:

  • Gentle Movement
  • Breath Practice
  • Self-Applied Massage
  • Relaxation Practice Through Meditation and Visualization

These techniques are easy to learn, easy to apply, need no special knowledge or training, require no special equipment or clothing can be practiced by all people—sick or well.

For the Practice Leader

In China, the leaders of the Tai Chi and Qigong practice groups that you see in the parks are average people. They are people like you who became interested in the health promotion possibilities of the ancient vitality enhancement practices and have personally experienced the health benefits. As a Tai Chi Easy™ Practice Leader you can bring the powerful gift of self-care through Tai Chi Easy™ to your community at the recreation center, church, senior activities program, YMCA, hospital, corporation, or spa.

The sages say, “Teach what you hope to learn”. Your own practice will grow more steadily when you elect to pursue the experience experience of leading others. In every ancient culture mothers and grandmothers taught these practices to the children. Mentors taught students. Neighbors exchanged family secrets. Even in modern America there are nonprofessional, community-based health experts. It is natural for peer support, mentoring and teaching to be available in a community. Serving others and sharing information is an innate quality of human nature.

If you recognize the opportunity for community improvement, if you feel called or if you feel compelled, you are the perfect Practice Leader. The sages say, “In strengthening the community sincerity and personal experience are as relevant as knowledge”.

Become a Tai Chi Easy™ Practice Leader