"Tai Chi Easy™ is terrific additional income stream for me. I teach classes for 2 city recreation departments. People really enjoy Tai Chi Easy™. Because of the process of learning the arm movements then the legs movements before combining the two, it is much easier to learn (and teach) than traditional Tai Chi.
People have fun and say they are more relaxed and sleep better. Participants have reported health improvements such as headache reduction, elimination of back pain, reduced foot pain and improved balance in addition to improved mental outlook.
Tai Chi Easy™ has been life changing for me personally. I had a heart attack a number of years ago and had problems with recurrent chest pain and sometimes shortness of breath, especially when under stress. After I started doing Tai Chi Easy™ on a regular basis, I noticed I was no longer bothered by chest pain.
I used to go to a chiropractor because of back and knee pain but don't need to any longer. I get sick less often and when I do I rarely get sick enough to need antibiotics. The most dramatic change for me has been in regards to my mental health. Practicing Tai Chi Easy™, my mood is better and I have more energy. I am a happier person."
-- Erin Reas, RPh (Registered Pharmacist), Certified Tai Chi Easy™ Practice Leader, Certified Circle of Life Wellness Coach
“The wellness practices of traditional Chinese medicine -- Tai Chi and Qigong -- are among the best forms of physical activity for diverse populations since they are low cost, group based, low impact and relatively easy to learn”.
-- The Consensus Report of the National Expert Meeting on Qi Gong and Tai Chi, National Blueprint for Physical Activity and the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
"The regular practice of Tai Chi Easy provides significant health benefits for people of all ages. Tai Chi Easy helped me to recover rapidly from my own recent heart surgery."
-- James Firman, President & CEO, National Council on Aging, Washington, DC
"Personally, Qigong, Meditation, and Tai Chi Easy™ have changed and saved my life. At the age of 40, I found myself 60 pounds overweight, pre-diabetic, and taking medication for anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive behavior, and pre-diabetic. In only 4 years of adding these mind-body practices into my daily routine, I no longer take medication, lost 60 pounds, and have been described as a very calm and peaceful person.
I facilitate private instructional sessions for Qigong, Meditation and Tai Chi Easy™ in monthly classes at 2 hospital's Integrative Medicine Departments. I also lead 2 classes weekly. During life coaching sessions, I show clients how to integrate Qigong and Tai Chi Easy™ movements into daily routines in the workplace -- increasing their stress resiliency and personal energy."
-- PJ Harder, MS, Professional Life Coach, Circle of Life Wellness Coach, Holistic Stress Management Instructor, Tai Chi Easy™ Practice Leader, Qigong & Meditation Instructor |
"Tai Chi Easy™ saved my life." |
“Tai Chi Easy is perfect package of mind-body wellness skills for the health and social service agencies in my area. I am so enthusiastic to have solidified my Tai Chi and Qigong teaching skills at this level of simplified community practice.”
-- Valerie L. Fagan, LCSW, Complementary Therapies Facilitator, Regional Medical Center, Athens, GA
"Having practiced and taught many forms of Qigong for 20 years, learning Tai Chi Easy™ was a most surprising revelation and revolution of body, mind, and heart. So amazing that even in learning the beginning simple moves, so much Qi was flowing! So much return for my efforts, a synchronized symphony. My daily Qigong practice now always includes Tai Chi Easy™, which is ever revitalizing and fun! And my students LOVE that I always include some form of Tai Chi Easy™!"
-- Rev. Dr. John Neff, Certified Institute of Integral Qigong & Tai Chi (IIQTC) Teacher
"Tai Chi Easy™ was the perfect training to help me to incorporate Mind Body Self Care Practices more confidently and effectively into my coaching programs. Clients need self-care practices to be more empowered to change their health. I also teach Tai Chi Easy™ practices when I lead corporate wellness and stress management workshops. Employees love these easy to apply stress reducing, health enhancing practices!
The training was a wonderful opportunity for me to learn how to implement new ways of cultivating self-care into my life - reducing my stress levels and enhancing my own health and well-being."
-- Lisa Eidelkind, LCSW, BCC, Certified Tai Chi Easy™ Practice Leader, Founder of Health Centered Coaching, LLC